Is Vaginal flatulence normal?

Is Vaginal flatulence normal?

Many girls have had the experience of "Vaginal flatulence": a burst of gas rushes out of the vagina, making a "pupu" sound, like farting, which is very embarrassing, especially during sex. So, what causes Vaginal flatulence?

Is there any relationship between Vaginal flatulence and vaginal relaxation?
Yes, but not all flatulence are caused by relaxation!

Under normal circumstances, the pelvic floor muscles and fascia outside the vagina maintain a certain tension, which has a lifting effect on the vaginal wall, so that the front and rear walls of the vagina fit together, the lumen disappears, and the labia majora and minora on both sides of the vulva are closed, covering the vagina. The mouth, like two closed doors, prevents air from entering the vagina.

Vaginal flatulence generally refers to vaginal exhaust, usually referring to the discharge of gas during sexual intercourse. However, Vaginal flatulence can be divided into two types, one is physiological factors, and the other is pathological factors. It is recommended that you judge according to your own situation and treat symptomatically according to the cause.

Physiological factors

1. Normal phenomenon
During sexual intercourse, due to changes in body position, some gas may enter the vagina, resulting in vaginal flatulence. This is a normal phenomenon, and generally there is no need to worry too much. If there are no other discomforts, treatment is generally not required. However, you should pay attention to personal hygiene during sex and avoid unclean sex.

2. Relaxation caused by childbirth and induction of labor.
When the fetus passes through the birth canal, the vagina expands and relaxes; the muscle tissue and fascia of the pelvic floor that supports the vaginal wall break, or are overstretched and lose their elasticity. In this way, the front and back walls of the vagina cannot adhere closely to each other, forming a cavity. Perineal lacerations open the external vaginal opening and cannot cover the vagina, allowing air to enter the vagina. This condition can generally recover in the puerperium, but some women cannot fully recover. Especially if the labor process is too long and the delivery is difficult, the pelvic floor tissue will be severely damaged and difficult to recover.
When negative pressure is formed in the vagina (such as lying on your back, inhaling, etc.), air enters the deepest part of the vagina (fornix). When you stand up or increase abdominal pressure, the air is discharged from the vagina, causing a sound.


Pathological factors

1. Congenital vaginal laxity
Vaginal flatulence does not only happen to adult women, but also to some underage girls who have no sexual life. After ruling out the problem of inflammation, it is likely to be caused by insufficient congenital vaginal muscle strength.

2. Vaginitis
Inflammation can also lead to vaginal flatulence. The microorganisms that infect the vagina continue to multiply in the vagina and produce gas in the vagina. When the body position changes or the abdominal pressure increases, the gas will be squeezed out of the vagina, causing vaginal flatulence.
If vaginal flatulence occurs and is accompanied by abnormal vaginal secretions (increased leucorrhea, discoloration, and odor), you need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible and use appropriate medication. As the inflammation recovers, vaginal bleeding will gradually disappear.
In addition, it is not ruled out that it is caused by diseases such as cervicitis. If the symptoms do not improve or even worsen, it is recommended that the patient go to the gynecology department of a regular hospital in time and actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment.

3. Rarely, it is caused by recto-vaginal fistula.
There is an abnormal passage between the rectum and vagina. When the anus is exhausted, a small amount of gas enters the vagina through the fistula and is then expelled from the body. Can be divided into congenital and acquired. The latter mainly occurs in birth trauma, rectal or vaginal surgical trauma.

What to do if vaginal flatulence occurs?

·If the flatulence is caused by inflammation, you need to go to hospital for examination and treatment as soon as possible and take appropriate medication. After the inflammation recovers, the problem of flatulence will no longer occur.

·Vaginal flatulence caused by relaxation requires exercises or surgery to promote vaginal tightening. Postpartum mothers can continue to do Kegel exercises and perform exercises with vaginal dumbbells. 3 times a day, 10 minutes each time. After a period of time, it can be effectively improved.