What does the brain do during orgasm?

What does the brain do during orgasm?

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Sexual arousal starts when partners start kissing and caressing. At this time, dopamine is so powerful that it acts like stepping on the accelerator when driving. Studies have shown that during sex, the dopamine content in the brain gradually increases, and the libido also increases, and the partners are more passionate. At the same time, dopamine can activate the "reward circuit" in the brain, allowing us to experience the feeling of happiness and happiness. The brain also produces a large amount of endorphins, which can also make people feel pleasure and happiness.

Having sex activates our “reward” circuit. During sex, dopamine, a neurochemical in the brain, plays a very important role. Basically, anything that activates the reward circuit is either good for your own survival , or favor the reproduction of genes, such as sex, food, adventure, reaching goals... Food is the best example.

The reward circuit thinks "calories are survival". High-calorie food will cause the brain to secrete a large amount of dopamine, resulting in a pleasant feeling, so we prefer chocolate cakes to boiled vegetables – of course, this is our instinctive reaction, some health experts must think that boiled vegetables More delicious, that is due to their strong reason and will. In fact, it is not chocolate cake that we crave, but dopamine. Dopamine is the ultimate fuel for many of our behaviors.

During orgasm, a large amount of dopamine bursts out, and the secretion reaches an orgasm, which makes people feel dreamlike and ecstatic, but this moment is very short. Professor Addis of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands has found that when women orgasm, parts of the prefrontal cortex of the brain actually shut down. At this time, their minds went blank, as if they were out of control. You may have an illusion that making love is a purely lower body exercise, but in fact, the brain is the most important sex organ!
When the orgasm subsides, dopamine begins to plummet and prolactin is released. If dopamine is the gas pedal for sex, prolactin is the brake, suppressing libido and lowering male hormone levels. The decrease of dopamine and the increase of prolactin make us enter the "refractory period", and the sexual interest becomes less intense. After the orgasm, women do not immediately subside from the orgasm like men, and are often still intoxicated. These manifestations are closely related to changes in the brain.

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