How to deal with an asexual partner?

How to deal with an asexual partner?

Asexuality, an orientation characterized by a lack of sexual attraction, is often misunderstood. For individuals in relationships with asexual partners, understanding and support are crucial for a healthy and fulfilling partnership.

This blog post explores how to navigate and support asexuality in relationships, providing valuable insights and practical advice for creating a loving and supportive environment.


Understanding Asexuality

Asexuality is a spectrum. Some asexual individuals may experience romantic attraction without sexual attraction, while others might not feel either. It's essential to understand that asexuality is a valid sexual orientation, and like any other, it requires respect and recognition.


Communication: The Foundation of Support

  1. Open Dialogue:

    • Initiate conversations about your partner's needs and boundaries.
    • Create a safe space for your partner to express their feelings and experiences without judgment.
  2. Active Listening:

    • Pay attention to your partner's words and non-verbal cues.
    • Reflect on what they say and validate their experiences.
  3. Regular Check-ins:

    • Regularly discuss how both of you are feeling about the relationship.
    • Address any concerns or changes in needs promptly.

Respecting Boundaries

  1. Consent is Key:

    • Always seek explicit consent before initiating physical intimacy.
    • Understand that your partner's boundaries may change over time.
  2. Physical Intimacy:

    • Recognize that physical affection and intimacy can take many forms.
    • Cuddling, holding hands, or simply being close can be meaningful expressions of love.

Exploring Non-Sexual Intimacy

  1. Emotional Connection:

    • Focus on building a deep emotional bond through shared experiences and mutual support.
    • Engage in activities that both enjoy and that foster a sense of closeness.
  2. Quality Time:

    • Spend time together doing activities that strengthen your bond.
    • This can include hobbies, travel, or simply enjoying each other’s company.

Educating Yourself and Others

  1. Learn About Asexuality:

    • Educate yourself about asexuality through books, articles, and conversations with your partner.
    • Understanding the nuances of asexuality can enhance your empathy and support.
  2. Advocate and Educate:

    • Help others understand asexuality by sharing accurate information and challenging misconceptions.
    • Support your partner in social situations where their asexuality might be misunderstood.

Balancing Sexual and Non-Sexual Needs

  1. Open Negotiation:

    • Discuss how to meet both your needs without compromising the other's comfort.
    • This might include negotiating frequency and types of physical affection.
  2. Exploring Alternatives:

    • Consider options like masturbation, or using sex toys to fulfill sexual needs without involving your partner in activities they might not be comfortable with.

Creating a Supportive Environment

  1. Safe Spaces:

    • Ensure your home and relationship are safe spaces where your partner feels accepted and loved.
    • Avoid pressuring your partner into activities they're uncomfortable with.
  2. External Support:

    • Encourage your partner to seek support from asexual communities and professionals if needed.
    • Join support groups or forums to connect with others in similar situations.

Personal Growth and Self-Reflection

  1. Self-Reflection:

    • Reflect on your own needs, desires, and expectations in the relationship.
    • Understand that compromises and adjustments are part of any relationship.
  2. Personal Fulfillment:

    • Pursue individual interests and hobbies to maintain a balanced and fulfilling life outside the relationship.

Celebrating Your Relationship

  1. Acknowledge Milestones:

    • Celebrate relationship milestones and achievements together.
    • Recognize the unique strengths and beauty of your relationship.
  2. Express Gratitude:

    • Regularly express gratitude and appreciation for each other.
    • Small gestures of love and appreciation can strengthen your bond.

Seeking Professional Help

  1. Therapists and Counselors:

    • Consider seeing a therapist or counselor specializing in sexual orientation and relationship dynamics.
    • Professional guidance can help navigate complex emotions and situations.
  2. Relationship Coaching:

    • Engage with relationship coaches who can provide personalized advice and strategies.
    • Coaching can help both partners feel more supported and understood.


Supporting an asexual partner requires understanding, patience, and open communication. By respecting boundaries, fostering non-sexual intimacy, and seeking mutual fulfillment, you can build a strong and loving relationship. Remember, every relationship is unique, and what matters most is the love and respect you have for each other.

Navigating a relationship with an asexual partner can be an enriching experience that deepens your emotional connection and appreciation for each other. By embracing the journey together, you create a partnership built on trust, understanding, and genuine love.