How much do you know about these unpopular knowledge about men and women?

How much do you know about these unpopular knowledge about men and women?

Everything in the beautiful nature is unique. Natural forests, mountains and rivers, animals and plants, etc. They are all wonderfully constructed, delicate and breathtaking. And we humans not only have wonderful structures, but also the most intelligent species on earth. Whenever we talk about ourselves, two different pictures come to mind, male and female. Let us take a look at these cold knowledge between men and women.

1. Women can see better in the dark than men
Normal, men's and women's vision is biologically similar, but functionally very different. That is, women in the dark can see better than men in the same environment, and can also recognize subtle differences between colors.
2. Men are better at distant sights, so they are better drivers
Although women's night vision is better than men's, men are better at seeing from a distance. In ancient times, the ancestors of human beings, due to the different division of labor between men and women, men had to expand their horizons in order to better engage in hunting activities and obtain sufficient food. thing. After a long period of evolution, men's vision ability has been improved, and they can also accurately estimate the distance of objects.
3. Physical strength (average level), men are 30% stronger than women
Nature made men stronger so that they could protect their families from external threats. According to statistics, in terms of strength, men are more than 30% stronger than women. However, a survey also revealed that one in 20 women is stronger than the average man.
4. Compared with men, women are very precocious
Biologically, females mature 2 years earlier than males. The reason is puberty. Women release more growth hormone than men. Females therefore mature earlier than males on average.
5. Men get sick more than women
Scientists believe that women have higher levels of the hormone in their pancreas than men. Therefore, women's immune systems are much better than men's. Because men have lower doses of pancreatic hormones than women, they are at higher risk for immune system development. With all but a few diseases, far more men than women die from any disease.
6. Women live an average of 5 years longer than men
Because men are more susceptible to diseases than women. Therefore, women live an average of 5 years longer than men. Men may be physically strong, but from an emotional standpoint, they are far more sensitive. As much as men try to appear strong and solid, they are human too. For this reason, mental depression is also more pronounced in men.
7. Internal organs vary in size
Carefully analyzing the internal structure of a man's and a woman's body, we find that there are many differences between these two bodies. Take the heart and lungs, for example. Males have much larger lungs and hearts than females. Women, on the other hand, have much larger livers, kidneys, stomachs, and thyroids than men. In addition, the heart rate of women is higher than that of men. The root cause is the small size, the smaller the body, the bigger the heartbeat. By the way, there are a lot of differences between men and women when it comes to blood pressure. Men have higher blood pressure than women.
8. Men burn calories (calories) much faster than women
Despite the fact that the physical differences between men and women are very different in structure, there is also a large difference in the social division of labor that makes men's bodies burn more calories than women's. Therefore, as men grow physically, they are able to perform physical activity well. Most men don't find physical labor difficult because their bodies do it naturally.
9. Men's fertility lasts longer than women's
In males, reproductive capacity is maintained up to 70 years, while in females it fades after 35 years. This is something very surprising. But it does.
10. The structure of the bones is also very different
Aside from organs and physiological systems, a man's body is very different from a woman's in many ways. Basically, women's hip bones are much wider than men's, so this provides better protection for the baby during pregnancy. In addition to this, women have wide mouth bones and small jaw bones. Also, on average, the torso of female bodies is longer than that of males.
Men, on the other hand, are physically stronger than women, with wider shoulders but thinner hips than women.
11. Men are more like "adventurers"
This makes it easier for men to take risks due to the high amount of testosterone they produce in their bodies. That's why a man's life is always full of danger.
12. Women are better able to recognize emotions, with an accuracy rate of over 90%
Women are great at spotting human emotions. It is said that it can easily capture 90% of human emotions in an instant. Therefore, it is difficult to hide anything from them. On the other hand, women are more emotional than men
13. Why men are better at math than women
I often hear people say that men are much better at math than women! But you know it's also scientifically true. In males, the part of the brain devoted to numbers is larger than in females and develops before 4 years. Thus, men are on average more logical than women.